Saturday, 9 April 2011

nasi lemak

We learn something about the nasi lemak. Seem it show the easier in many parts, from the first preparation to the final presentation. We decide to read it and treat it as something that can be use for an architectural approach.

Simplicity is the best word for the whole method from the original condition to the serving time. This can be seeing when it has been prepared from the first stage to the final output. The whole nasi lemak component was an adaptation from nature around us. It shows how that Malay man uses their imagination of the existing material for a really economic and good dish. This simple way not only shows that you just take it easy, but manage it as mean freedom from hardship, effort or confusion. It may also refer to a simple living lifestyle.

Simplicity also means perfection. Perfection doesn’t mean that it must be too expensive in life. However, it can be reach in all levels of our life community. The perfect also means something equal in most part, but it doesn’t mean must have a same amount of numbers, but good in terms of quantity balance.

By other means, in an architectural way, the perfect solid cube was good for the reflection of the nasi lemak. The cube is equal in all surfaces, the edges also the same as other edges. There is nothing to argue for the cube as a perfect kind of structure and space. The space was well defined in the simple cube rather than others.

Minimalist aspect can be seen in many ways, the way that banana leaf wrapping. It’s show us how it can be easily handled by a man hand and bring it for working. Good for a simple dish in breakfast for a life starter with a good nutritious. This phrase also defines to show how the simple dish in the early morning, can be something that was good in term of nutritious balance before we start working out. Furthermore, can be said, the Malay culture doesn’t eat much at the morning, just to make a meal to break the fast due to a long time when sleeping.

Minimalist can be seen in for the whole presentation, means that how it serves, to be minimal in terms of a condition, but have a big impact for every single component that cooperates with each other. In other words, that, we feel something that not complete in the nasi lemak if one of the ingredients does not appear in presentation just before we eat it.

As we think about that, we feel that the combination of some numbers of cubes will produce the bigger cube. And we felt that, the quantity balance must have to be accurate so that the bigger cube produce at the final stage will make a very define of a solid cube with a bigger scale. When we see it in for the whole, it will give a feel that the number of the small cube must be even and accurate so that the bigger cube will define as a really solid cube.

To make it more define, the colour combination must be better. So, the white will define all colour in the world. The smaller cube in white colour will define the final product in very precise of the bigger cube with no bounder ever. Something minimal but gives a big impact at all. Rather than just choosing a lot of colour but it just nothing at the end of the work.

Minimalist in another aspect also shows how we are ready to eat it. Eating too much will cause a negative effect for our healthy. Eating much more means, give a bad impact in terms of our stomach and our heart. Not to say about nasi lemak, but all other food. Eating too much in the early morning for some people will make a sense of uncomfortable about the whole day. Back to the topic, nasi lemak is just serving in a minimal quantity. For example, if it were wrapping in a banana leaves, the minimal quantity content is good for our starting day.