Saturday, 9 April 2011

malaya pavillion

Design idea: The prefect form
Location: inside University of Malaya
Client: University of Malaya
Material and Construction: Concrete + glass
Category: Pavilion
Site context: Flatland facing the roadway
Area: 125 sqm @ 1345 sq ft

The brief
Total design is referring to the precedent study of Louis I Kahn

The solution
Since this is a kind of reference architecture, which is I need to reflect back architecture languages defined by Louis, I Kahn. First of all, material is really important, and secondly, best design by him.

The architecture

For overall composition of form, it’s easily identified the character by a creative use of geometric shapes of squares, cube, and circle. The composition is neatly done for further exploration of light and air. This complex has a consideration to pay careful attention to use the natural sunlight and airy movement. It’s clearly shown when sunrays entering this building in interesting positioned windows and openings. Furthermore, the combinations of several forms inside created a stack effect to the central, which help since there is no cross ventilation happen inside. Both natural elements bring architectural creation to life.

The definition space clearly shows on the structure laid out in geometric, formal schemes and axial layouts with a strong processional character of space and images, an approach that derives from the Beaux-Arts tradition. As expression focus upon centrality of space, it’s creating a human movement; in and out, and left or right. And as a small scale of structure, the concerned with creating strong formal distinctions between served spaces and servant spaces, it’s clearly done on the plan - the hierarchical definition of building functions. 

This building can be defined as ‘geometrical structuralism’ to identify the Vitruvius’s classification of architecture into three main categories; construction, function, and artistic creation. As the reflection study for Louis Isadore Kahn, one of the important terms is – Order. It means an ‘intersection point’ between the idea’s theory and an individual theory of order, on the one hand, and rationality of the built form on the other. As the building is a particularly subject of order, their structure, and geometry, mathematical and proportion, this has become a form and is comprehensible.

This building is very down to earth. The outside perspective of the building is very simple, but inside of the gallery shows a great artistic sense of human scale. The character shows by creation of different volume and form of spaces and rounded by heavy material finishes. It’s represented an important professional life in University of Malaya.