Saturday, 9 April 2011

house of comic

Design idea: Narrative of Life
Location: Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur.
Client: Pekomik
Material and Construction: Steel
Category: Public Building – Mixed Use; Gallery + Cafe
Site context: Triangular form of land at the edge of the road, with the different level about 1 meter. Surrounding by an old shop houses, which lead to Zero setback for particular site.
Area: 1600 sqm @ 17200 sq ft

A brief
This exercise is a free study of student interest. We only got a site and the function for this building. Nevertheless, we need to find a solid idea, what you want to sell it inside this building. It’s almost like a small thesis, which every student must have a unique idea. It is also reflecting individual characteristic, since we must relate back of how that main idea will represent this building; inside out. The site got a very heavy pedestrian traffic since it’s situated close to various public transportation facilities, such as LRT station, bus and taxi station. It’s almost like a district of transportation interchange. This is a Kuala Lumpur centre of the city which surrounded by an old building and shophouses. It’s also like a local cultural street, which a lot of arts. Street performance will be happened.

The solution
The site is unique, since it’s situated at the corner of vehicular traffic. This triangular site is a bit tricky, but really interesting since it’s will help the form that will introduce later. No limitation of the area is an advantage, but it’s must be unique to make it bold enough in this area; since surrounding building got architecture influence from few eras. Its take me about three weeks for to come out with this solid idea, since I don’t want to create a typical idea of gallery, which usually will end up to become a painting or photography gallery. The idea needs to be defined very well and a lot of reading to get the gist of information. This is the solution; comic.  

Why comic?
(extracted from various sources)

 Comics are a graphic medium in which words and images are utilized in order to convey a narrative. Comics can contain few or no words, and consist of one or more images, which may either illustrate or counterpoint the text to affect greater depth. Devices such as “speech balloons” and “boxes” are used to indicate dialogue and impart establishing information. The “panels” and “layout” can help indicate the flow of the story. Comics use of text, ambiguity, symbolism, design, iconography, literary technique, mixed media and stylistic elements of art help build a subtext of meanings.
The partnering of words and pictures can create a synergy of expression through the manner of their combination, which can either enhance or subvert the meaning of each partner's individual contribution. This comic conveys narration and speech, and evokes emotional or sensual responses.
The genres that comic strips and comic books tackled, expanding from their humorous beginnings to take in action, science fiction, mystery, romance, superhero, autobiography and reportage. The comic's form was also utilized for exhibition for educational purposes and by the late twentieth century stories of an extended length were being published as graphic novels.

The most common forms of printed comics are “comic strips” (most commonly four panels long) in newspapers and magazines, and longer comic stories in comic books. The cartoon character inside were illustrated with verified meaning. Editorial type was employing humour but in more serious tone, commonly using irony or satire. The visual metaphor is used to illustrate a point of view and current life such as social and political topics.

The idea is to make a building which shows the character of comic. Every single part and perspective are a character for the whole structure. Everything must be there to show the strong combination of the story. The structure looks dynamic to show how cartoon character can be as flexible as they are. Most of the component was come from the original steel colour and white render concrete. The light orange colour is used to make a cheerful environment for the whole site. Most of the panel outside is placed there to convey and educate the people who passed around the building.

The architecture

From the day one after this idea came out, I already try to create a space planning, the relation of plan, section and elevation. It’s a bit late but the main idea is very helpful. Architecturally speaks. The plan is blending very well with this site; create a sense of belonging to this special structure.

The entrance is a multidirectional approach, which all those three entrance will give you a different ambient. For example, entrance along Jalan Hang Kasturi is a box entrance with a very solid façade; it’s parallel to the street itself which also close to the existing public side parking. The entrance from Pasar Seni is a combination of a very high roof and the placement of unique sculpture outside. And the entrance from LRT station of a combination of super long cantilever slab and roof on top of it, which is a good layering of an element. 

The façade enclosure for this building is almost 50-50 between solid and void. The roof is blending together with the external wall, which the structure is inside is playing a big role to hold it.  This metal cladding facade and roofing is sandwiching with a good sound and heat insulation; since the skin is the only layers dividing the exterior exposure and interior environment.

The structure inside is a combination of 50-50 between steel and concrete. The façade structure is mainly an ‘I’ beam various sizes, while the heart is concrete shear wall and column. The slab is a flab-slab technology which is about 200mm to 250mm thickness to create a beam-less ceiling. This is important, since I don’t have any intention to use any ceiling treatment for this particular building. The glass façade is a single-glaze because of a good passive sun-shading, only at certain part got a double-glaze treatment, which it will bring abundant with natural lighting inside. 

Very high double volume which is more than 12m height is  useful to create differences of volume inside, which will create a heat stacking effect, an important element to protect all printed content inside this building. It’s come with a combination of a super-high water-wall, which helps to reduce the heat inside, and create a natural feeling for the occupant.

The elevation treatment is very neat; at the bottom part, most of the façade is come from a clear glass with the bold framing for each  while the top part will be treated as a solid paneling. This effect is to create a floating effect of that heavier façade. Some of the part is touching the ground which giving a sense of touching the ground while the other part is flaying over it. A very sharp-edges cutting at almost all corners of this building help to create much more dynamic kind of architecture. If I put the engine inside, perhaps this building already can fly.

The space planning is very clear. My ground level, an entrance will lead to different result inside. While you are entering from Jalan Hang Kasturi, you will be invited by a super-high water-wall with the combination of double volume effect. Close to it is a latest comic in town for sale. It the visitor is coming from Pasar Seni. You're already inside one of the exhibition areas, which lead to the adjacent lift to going up. And if you’re coming from LRT Pasar Seni, you can face a centre triangle exhibition with a café side of it. If you’re hungry, let’s take some meal before you go. The positioning of café is really neat, which is located at one site of the complex, which is facing a main road with a glass wall as a barrier. The glass wall will be framed by the thick white boxes just to give an impression of a strip comic. And as the frame is a kind of fixed element, the people inside will play a character of cartoon, which is life and moving, if you can see it from outside.

It’s different configuration while you’re at level one. It’s mainly for a quiet area, which is consisting of open studio, comic gallery, triangle exhibition 02, and digital art comic. Cartoonist can use the studio inside for their works, to give a different working environment which wills also giving chances of communication for a cartoonist and the readers.

Spaces inside will exhibit the current publishing comics, i.e. the comic books. Which also been sold for a public. The interior environment will create a cheerful and comfort which reflected the easy reading resources of comic. Few windows will be placed. It's to reduce glare and to protect the books inside.

This creation of architecture is really useful for everyone who is involved in this comic industry. It’ll publish the current topic of community, which usually published on a newspaper, but the same author, will publish in here. It’s treating both parties, i.e. public and author, which one way of communication to educating people in a hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur.

The electronic panel outside is to make a dynamic effect of elevation. It can be changing from time to time, which will publish a daily strip comic and other still image comic. The sizes are big enough for public people to see from certain distance.

As a designer for this building, I really love this kind of exercise, since we don’t have any limitation of design and few briefs have been given. The limitation is just a site location, and the brief is a type of building – gallery and café. I’m digesting out the whole brief, and the plan is really defined, which every position is really placed on the right place and at a right time.